Leadership Council
Season 17
Saturdays, 10am-12pm or 1pm-3pm
September 28, 2024-February 4, 2025
Leaders and Angels work together enjoy theatrical experiences each week and work toward a two-act professional production at the end of the season. Participants focus on the show’s blocking, choreography, solo and group songs, character work, and more. All AoS staff and Buddy Coaches work together to nurture and support participants in reaching individual potential and collective success. A tech and dress rehearsal occurs the day before the opening show, followed by two weekends of performances on stage. Leaders audition and perform alongside the Angels and, as Leaders, may be asked to assist and take on additional responsibilities in support of their fellow Angels
- Over 15 weekly sessions with a full team of special education, adaptations, behavior, theatre, and music professionals, plus additional support personnel
- 2 professional performances for each cast
- Season 17 show t-shirt
- Show script
- Costume
- Online access to choreography instructional videos
- Trophy at the end-of-the-season Red Carpet event
- Parent orientation session at the beginning of the season
Cost: $750*
*Scholarships and payment plans are available upon request